“Anaghị agwa ochi ntị
na agha esula.”

Contributed By Arthur Iwualla, Orodo, Mbaitoli.
[Variants Posted x 1}
By Chioma Mayrann Nwabor: Adighi agwa ochi nti n'agha esu
[Variants Posted x 1}
By Chioma Mayrann Nwabor: Adighi agwa ochi nti n'agha esu
for iFaT at ifont@groups.facebook.com
© ifont 2011, as it appears here.
This image is poignant for the way it grabs your attention.The situation is urgent, with the eyes of the soldier looking straight into yours. The image is purported to belong to a young soldier in old Biafra. The proverb means, literally in a paraphrase, 'Don't tell a wilfully deaf (or stubborn person) about the onset of war: he realises this all by himself ' -
This image is poignant for the way it grabs your attention.The situation is urgent, with the eyes of the soldier looking straight into yours. The image is purported to belong to a young soldier in old Biafra. The proverb means, literally in a paraphrase, 'Don't tell a wilfully deaf (or stubborn person) about the onset of war: he realises this all by himself ' -
Because the proverbs are short sayings, they must convey a lot in a short time. The Ibos (Igbos) /ndi Igbo have used this proverb to often remonstrate with individuals who realise too late, the import or gravity of a situation or thing.
A related one is "Agha a mara okwa ya anaghi eri ishi ngworo"